Worksy EA Form Preparation

Modified on Fri, 15 Mar 2024 at 06:35 PM

Employers are required to provide a statement of remuneration — the Form EA (or EA Form) — to all employees who are contracted to the organization. The EA form contains key income information that will assist employees in filing tax return forms for the year, including Gross salary, wages, etc.

All employers must provide the EA form to the employee by the end of February

Failure to submit will result in a fine of up to RM 20,000 and/or up to 6 months imprisonment.

1) How does HR view the EA form 

2) How to edit/ adjust the EA form

3) Why have tax relief amount in the EA form? 

4) How to set the correct print layout for the EA form

5) How an employee can view the EA form

Please refer to the below article about how employee can view their EA form

6) How to submit an e-filing

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