Edit Employee Work Details Using Timeline

Modified on Fri, 09 Dec 2022 at 06:21 PM

Common Mistake: Employers / HR Admin tend to change the details of employment (if any) under the 'Employment' tab of the 'Employee Profile'. However, this action may affect the timeline's chronological order to be incorrect and will affect payroll figures as well.

Here are the two ways you can update your employee details correctly:

a) Change the details in the timeline of the employee profile

b) Navigate to 'Progression' to add an update 


a) Change the details in the timeline of the employee profile 

Step 1

Navigate to Employee (1) > Directory (2) as the image below:

Step 2

Select the 'Employee Profile' that you wish to change its details:

Step 3

Then, head over to the 'Timeline' (3) of the employee profile and select 'Edit' (4) at the top right corner of the page:

Step 4

Once you've selected 'Edit', you'll be able to see a Pencil and Dustbin icon on each event in the timeline at the bottom of the page:

Pencil icon - To edit details of the added event

Dustbin icon - To delete the added event

Step 5

Here are the screens that will be prompted:

a) When you select the pencil icon:

b) When you select the Dustbin icon:


Navigate to 'Progression' to add an update 

Check out the article below on how to update your employee details in the career progression page:

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