Processing Claim in Payroll Run

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 04:41 PM

Step 1

On the left menu, go to Payroll. Then, click Process to process payroll. 


Step 2

Select the Payroll Period Month > Payroll Payment Date > Tick Pull Claim Data

Then, click Next.

Note: When Pull Claim Data is selected, it means that the approved claim amount (depending on the claim approved date) will be automatically included in the said month's payroll.

Note: You are able to view all employees that are applicable to the selected conditions. You can also include/exclude any employees here by clicking on the blue button.

Step 3

Upon checking the details from Step 2, scroll down to the page and click Process Payroll. When your payroll is processed successfully, you will see this message coming up on the Results page, indicating the number of payslips you have generated. 

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