Overwrite Pulled Transactions in Payroll Process

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 07:20 AM

Purpose: To overwrite pulled transactions from external sources like attendance (OT, allowance, etc), claim, and leave (UPL, late in, early out, absenteeism) in the first payroll when processing again for the second time.

Step 1

Navigate to Payroll (a) > Process (b) > Monthly (c)

Step 2

You'll see a newly added checkbox called 'Overwrite Pulled Transaction' as shown below. 

Click to enable the function:


Here's a payslip from a normal payroll process. The claim amount is captured as a result of selecting the 'Pull Claim Data' checkbox:

Before Overwrite

After Overwrite

The pulled claim was reversed by selecting the 'Overwrite Pulled Transactions' checkbox:

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