Process Claim Separately from Normal Salary with Two Payment File

Modified on Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 05:53 PM

Step 1

First of all, you need to set the pay cycle for the claim to be different from the salary and other payouts. Navigate to Setting(1) > Payroll(2) > Payroll Policy(3) > Cut Off Period(4).

Step 2

Define the Cutoff Period(4) of the claim transactions and set different pay cycles for salary and claim to process in a separate payroll.

Ex: Salary = Month End ; Claim = 28

Step 3

When processing the claim payout, choose the pay cycle that you have set for the claim in the payroll policy. Then choose a different payment date and make sure the date is not the same as the salary payout. 

Note: If the claim payout's payment date is the same as the salary payout, then the system will calculate those payouts under one payment date resulting in one payment bank file. 

Step 4

Navigate to the Payment Submission File after processing your claim payout and salary payout. You are able to see two bank files with different pay cycles and payment dates.

Foot Note: Take note that the Government Statutory payment file will be one only although you have multiple salary bank files as the payment date for all the statutory falls under one fixed payment date.

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