Allocating an employee's CP38 deduction

Modified on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 at 02:05 PM

Note: A CP38 is allocated by the government. The amount that an individual has to pay is in conjunction with the income tax that they pay. The government sends the employer a payment schedule for your employees whose taxes were underpaid in the previous year. You can set this up in the system so that it can automatically process the additional CP38 tax when you are doing payroll.

Step 1

On your homepage, go to your left menu, click on payroll, then transaction, and scroll down to click CP38.

Step 2

Click the Edit button on the top right corner of the page and then select the employee. As you can see down below, you can change the varying amounts of deduction based on the payment schedule. 

Step 3

Click Save on the top right corner of the page when you are done. The deductions will be captured in the pay run accordingly.

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