Edit Employment Info on pay slip

Modified on Wed, 07 Dec 2022 at 11:20 AM

Note: You may notice the payslip format by default contains information in the Employment Info section. The screenshot below shows this section in the red box. As you can see in the sample, it provides all the information relating to the employee, namely department, job category, line, section, employment type, branch, division, and job grade. 

This section is also called the Payslip Card Info Display in Worksy. Perhaps not all information is required and you'd like to hide some of the information. 

Read on to find out more.

Step 1

Navigate to the left menu, and click on Setting(a) > Payroll (b) > Payroll Policies (c).

Step 2

You will come across a list of payroll policies you have created in the system. Choose one that you would like to amend the Payslip Card Info display. 

Step 3

Click Edit (d) and then navigate to Employee Self Service Policy (e) as below image.

Step 4

Notice in the Card Info Display few of the switch sliders are blue, indicating that department and job category info will appear in the payslip Employment Info section. 

Step 5

To hide the details, click the slider switch. Thereafter, click Save on your top right screen to save the changes

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