Payroll Process - Monthly

Modified on Tue, 12 Sep 2023 at 09:20 AM

Step 1

On the left menu, navigate to Payroll (a) > Process(b)> Monthly (c).

Step 2

Once clicked, you will be brought to the screen as displayed below. Kindly see below the explanation for each parameter, 

i) Payroll Period: Select the Payroll Month that you would like to process the payroll

ii) Payroll Cycle: Select the Payroll Cycle that you would like the payment to appear. Check the Last cycle of the Period and Pay cycle ( cut-off) that you have set in the payroll policy

iii) Payment Date: Select a Payment Date that you would like to process the payroll. Take note that this payment date will affect your payslip release date.

For more info, navigate to this article, Payroll Policy - General Settings: Knowledge Base ( 

iv) There are a set of checkboxes that you may need to tick to pull earnings/deductions into the payroll process

  • Pull Attendance Data: If this box is checked, this means that all attendance earnings such as Overtime/Allowances will be pulled into the payroll process. Take note to lock the attendances before you tick this checkbox

  • Pull Monthly Allowance/Deduction: Auto or manually pull allowance from monthly allowance and deduction that has been set in attendance settings.

  • Pull Claim Data: If you wish the system to capture claim data (e.g. Aggregation claim) automatically into a payslip, ensure to check the “Pull Claim Data” box.

  • Pull Unpaid Data: If you wish the system to capture unpaid leave data automatically into a payslip for Unpaid Leave deduction processing, please check this box.

  • Pull Absent As Unpaid: If this box is checked, the system will process absences (without leave submission) similar to Unpaid Leave.

  • Pull None As Unpaid: If this box is checked, the system will process attendance that has None status into Unpaid Leave. 
  • Overwrite Pulled Transactions: This checkbox enables you to overwrite existing processed payroll. 

    For more info, navigate to, 
    Overwrite Pulled Transactions in Payroll Process: Knowledge Base (

v) Payroll Policies: Select one of the payroll policies that you have set up

vi) Remarks: Add remarks if you would like them to appear on the payslip of the employees. 

For more info, navigate to, Adding Remarks on Employees' Payslip: Knowledge Base ( 

Step 3

Once you are done selecting, click Next to go to the Conditional tab to select the employees that you would like to process payroll. There are 4 types of selection methods ( Section A) as you can see below:

  • All Available Users: All the employees in the company

  • Teams: The created teams in the company, you may select to view the report by teams

  • Manual Selection: You can one or two employees manually without any filter

  • Import Selections: You may import a set of employee name /ID list

Take note that you may apply a variety of filter options ( section B)  when you select the selection method listed above 

To learn more on how to apply a conditional filter, navigate to Navigating User/Criteria Selection Screen: Knowledge Base ( 

Step 4

Once you are done editing, click Process Payroll to start processing.

Step 5

After clicking the process, you will see a quick loading screen, and when it's done, you will see the display below, showing you how many payrolls have been successfully processed.

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