Customizing Employee Directory Display

Modified on Tue, 13 Dec 2022 at 10:52 AM

Scenario: On the employee profile, available on your left icon on Employee > Directory, you can see a quick summary of the selected employee as shown in the red box in the screenshot below. This is called the Employee Directory Card

In the sample below, we can see that the Employee Directory Card shows, in summary, the employee's name, her job title, her employment status, and her service tenure. But you can also custom this Employee Directory Card so you can see certain details quickly.

Please refer to the guide below to learn how to achieve this.

Step 1

On your left icon, click on Setting > General > User Interface.

Step 2

You can now see the User Interface page. If you refer towards the lower page, you can see the Employee Card Appearance setting. Read further Step 3. 

Step 3

Instead of the Employee Status and Year of Services, I need to see quickly the employee's work email and contact number. To change this, simply drag the Contact Number card and Work Email card from the left column to the fields pointed by the arrow in the screenshot below.

Step 4

Click the Save button, and the changes you made will be saved. You can now go back to the Employee Directory page to view the changed card format. 

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