Payroll Review after Payroll Process

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 07:21 AM

After payroll is processed, a payroll user will review payroll results to ensure that the transaction information is accurate. 

If in any case there is any mistake in payroll results and the payroll user wishes to correct it, the payroll user can overwrite the existing payroll result.

In order to regenerate the correct payroll results, the payroll user has to go back to the transaction page (fixed/individual transaction), make necessary changes, and then reprocess the payroll. 

Once you have done this, the payroll user should be able to see a revised version of the payroll results.

Step 1

On your homepage, navigate to Payroll(a) > Payroll Review(b) > Individual Payroll(c)

Step 2

Choose one of the employees and you are able to select the specified month for each employee payroll review by clicking on the “< ”  “ >” signs. 

Note: To delete payroll results (payslip), simply click on the three vertical dots icon on the top right corner, then click Delete

After making the necessary corrections and rerunning the payroll, go back to Payroll > Payroll Review > Individual payroll.

If the new results are now correct, you can proceed with publishing the payslips. View below related articles that might help you with the next step.

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