Creating Loan Template

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 07:51 AM

Step 1

Navigate to Settings (1) > Payroll (2) > Payroll Template (3) as in the below image. Then, click Add New (4) to add a new savings fund. 

Step 2

Once you click Add New, you will be prompted by the below screen. You may notice of few fields that you need to fill up to get started with your Loan Template.

a) Loan Name: Fill up the loan name as how you wish to set

b) Payroll Item: You may select one of the payroll items that you have created in the system 

c) Loan Amount: Fill up the amount that you wish to deduct every month

d) Loan Period: You may select up until 60 months for loan tenure

e) Interest: Fill up the interest percentage that will be applied to the loan amount

f) Once you fill up d & e, the Monthly Repayment Amount and Interest Per Year will be shown automatically

Step 3

Once you have created the Loan Template, you may view the particulars in a summary display. You may click on the Pencil button to edit and the trash button to delete the loan entry. 

Kindly refer to this user guide on the Loan Management Setting:

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