Can I use the same cost center for an employee who paid by multiple companies?

Modified on Fri, 07 Apr 2023 at 04:54 PM

Question: One of our employees' salaries is paid by two companies, one from the holding company and another one from the subsidiary company. However, the cost center should be the same one, meaning 1 cost center. Can this be done?

Answer: Yes, this can be done, but in the way that the same employee will need to have 2 profiles. Meaning to say, there are 2 different employee numbers for the same employee. Then under their employee profile, the cost center can be set to be the same one, set under the employee profile > Work > Costing.

Then, the payroll will be run for the same employee but different payroll companies. You can then run the report under Report > Payroll > GL Integration to review the payments under the cost center. 

The report will appear like the sample below. Notice the same employee name but different employee # (according to the different companies). You can then filter the Cost Centre column under column D accordingly.

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