Generating Payroll Reports

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 07:24 AM

In Worksy, we have different types of Payroll reports to help you review all Payroll details on a single page. 

Here's a List of available Payroll Reports: 

1) Individual Transaction Report:

- You can review all your employee details under our 'Individual Transaction Report'. This report includes the source of transactions by automatically pulling information under attendance or manual inputs. 

2) Fixed Transaction Report:

- Easily review all your employees' 'Fixed Transaction Details' in a single report.

3) GL Reports:

  1. GL Integration Monthly
  2. GL Intergration Period
  3. GL Integration SAP

4) Monthly Reports:

  1. Monthly Details Report*
  2. Monthly Details Report (Interactive)**
  3. Period Details and Period Details Report*


a. The 'Monthly Details Report' is used for normal payroll processes, while the 'Period Details Report' is used for customized pay cycle periods.

b. The 'Interactive Report' has pivot mode and can be downloaded as an Excel file. 

5) Year-to-Date Reports:

  1. Year to Date Details(interactive)
  2. Year to Date (SOCSO)
  3. Year to Date(EPF)
  4. Year to Date(PCB)
  5. Year to Date Employee Statistic
  6. Year to Date Company Statistic
  7. Year to Date Group Statistic

6) Cost Centre Report :

- Generate and review cost center reports.

7) EA Form :

- Generate an overview of the EA form on one page.

8) Payroll Registry Report:

- HR Admins now can download processed payroll registers together with head counts as a report view or as a CSV file.

9) Payslip Acknowledgement Report:

- Generate an overview of 'Payslip Acknowledgments' from your employees.

10) Payroll Variance Report:

- Easily compare payslip amounts between the previous month and the current month in a single report. 

11) Bank Report:
- Instantly review a list of employees who are using the 'Bank' as their payment method.

12) Cash Report:

- Instantly review a list of who is using 'Cash' as their payment method.

13) Cheque Report:

- Instantly review a list of employees who are using 'Cheque' as their payment method.

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