Setting up Claim Approval Workflow

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 03:10 PM

Claim approval rules determine the approval flow, and the submitted claim is routed to the designated approvers, depending on the levels of approver setting. Claim approvers may approve or reject a claim.

Step 1

On the left menu, go to Settings. Then, under General, click Approval.

Step 2

Under Claim, select Request Claim.

Step 3

To set up a new approval workflow for a claim, click Add new.

Step 4

On the Approval Workflow page, fill in the Approval Name(1), and Levels of Approvers(2). After that, click Next.

Step 5

On the Conditionals page, select the conditions on how you want to filter your employees by All Active Employees or By Conditions. After that, click Next.

*All Active Employees = Every employee excluding resigned employees.

By Conditions  = Employees that only apply to selected conditions.

Step 6

On the Allocated Employees page, you will be able to see all employees that apply to the conditions that you have set in Step 5.

Note: You are able to exclude certain employees in the condition by clicking on the “Include/Exclude” button.

Step 7

Once you have included the employees that you wish to include, in the top right corner, click Save.

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