Adding Remarks on Employees' Payslip

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 07:19 AM

There are two methods to add remarks on employee payslips

Method A- During Payroll Process

Step 1

On your left menu, click Payroll(a)> Process(b) > Monthly(c)

Step 2

After choosing all the parameters that are needed for that month's payroll process, scroll down to see the Remark tab. 

Add remarks before you proceed to click Next.

Step 3

After processing payroll, navigate to Payroll > Payment > Individual / Bulk payslip to view the added remarks. 

Method B-Individual Payslip

Step 1

On your left menu, Payroll(a) > Payment (b)> Individual Payslip(c)

Step 2

Once you open the Individual Payslip page, click Edit (d) to add the remarks. 

Step 3

Add your remark and Save(e) accordingly.

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