Link Payroll Item to Shift / Overtime / Daily Allowance

Modified on Wed, 17 May 2023 at 07:11 AM

Attendance Allowance

Step 1

On your left menu, go to Settings(a) > Attendance(b) >Shift(c)

Step 2

Click on one of the shifts you have created before, or click on the Add New button on the top right corner of your page.

You may navigate to the below article if you would like to know more about how to set up a shift type:

Step 3

Click on Edit in the top right corner of the page and turn on the shift allowance. Then you may,

(i) Total Allowance: Input the allowance amount

(ii) Minimum Working Hours to Get Shift Allowance: Input the minimum hours that the employee needs to work in order to get the allowance

(iii) Payroll Item: Select the payroll item that you have created in Settings > Payroll > Payroll Items

Click the Save button on the top right corner of your screen. 

Overtime Allowance

Step 1

On your left menu, go to Settings(a) > Attendance(b) >Schedule(c).

Step 2

Click on one of the schedules you have created before, or click on the Add New button on the top right corner of your page. 

Step 3

Click Edit on the top right corner of your schedule and move to the Overtime tab of your schedule, and then you may proceed to select the Overtime Allowance Payroll Item as in the image below. 

Step 4

Then you may, 

(i) Minimum Overtime Hours to Get Allowance: Input the minimum hours that the employee needs to work in order to get the allowance

(iI) Allowance for Overtime (RM): Input the allowance amount

You can do the same for other day types such as Off Day, Rest Day, and Public Holiday

Daily/Conditional Allowance

Step 1

On your left menu, go to Settings(a) > Attendance(b)Daily Allowance(c)

Step 2

Click on one of the daily allowances you have created before, or click on the Add New button on the top right corner of your page. 

Step 3

You will be redirected to this page, where you will be able to select the Payroll Item for your daily allowance to be shown in your employee's payslip the next time you process payroll. 

Click the Save button on the top right corner of your screen to save your progress.

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