Allocating Attendance Allowance & Deduction

Modified on Sun, 29 Jan 2023 at 11:14 AM

Step 1

On your dashboard, go to your left menu, click Settings, go to Attendance, then scroll down to Daily Allowance.

Step 2

Click Add New at the top right corner of the page or choose one of your existing Daily Allowances.

Step 3

Here is where you can fill in your details for Daily Allowance. The most important fields that are compulsory for you to fill in are the Allowance Name, Label, Amount, and Payroll Item. Below is an example of what you can fill in.

Step 4

At the bottom, you also need to fill in the Attendance Criteria to suit your company's policies. Once you are done with this page, you can move on to the next tab (shown in the next step).

Step 5

Select which employees are entitled to this allowance by department, gender, employee status, etc, or you could choose all employees in the company and Team.

Step 5

Further narrow down employees that are entitled to the allowance. Pick and choose who is included or excluded by clicking the blue box on the same row as the employee name. Click Save when you are done.

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