Conditional Monthly Allowance & Deduction Advance

Modified on Thu, 01 Jun 2023 at 05:11 PM

Step 1

Navigate to Setting (a) > Attendance (b) > Monthly Allowance Advance (c)

Step 2

Click on Add New (d) located on the top right corner of the page to create a new allowance/ deduction.

Step 3

You can set up your conditional allowance/deduction settings as per the below explanation for each field.

i) Allowance / Deduction Name: Add the conditional allowance/deduction name 

ii) Label: Set a label for the allowance/deduction

iii) Type: You can choose the allowance that you going to create as earning or deduction

  • Conditional Allowance: Monthly earnings that will be added to the salary payment
  • Conditional Deduction: Once you choose this option, you will be given a choice to select whether the deduction is in the form of an Amount or Formula. 

iv) Allowance Amount: Set a fixed amount that needed to be given as allowance or deduction

v) Payroll Item: Choose a payroll item to tie together with the created monthly allowance/deduction to be paid/deducted from the salary

vi) Notes: Add notes as a remark for the conditional allowance/deduction

vii) Attendance Criteria: Set a set of conditions on how to pay the allowance/deduction if the criteria met 

You may set the conditions based on  AND / OR logic 

  • AND logic: All preset conditions must be met to enable the allowance/deduction
  • OR logic: Either one of the conditions needs to be met to enable the allowance/deduction

Step 4

Once you are done selecting, go to the Conditional tab to select the employees that you would like to process payroll. 

There are 4 types of selection methods ( Section A) as you can see below: 

  • All Available Users: All the employees in the company

  • Teams: The created teams in the company, you may select to view the report by teams

  • Manual Selection: You can one or two employees manually without any filter

  • Import Selections: You may import a set of employee name /ID list

Take note that you may apply a variety of filter options ( section B)  when you select the selection method listed above 

To learn more on how to apply the conditional filter, navigate to Navigating User/Criteria Selection Screen: Knowledge Base ( 

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